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Baby Time facts

While investigating facts about Baby Timeline and Baby Time Capsule, I found out little known, but curios details like:

A 2002 episode of "The Twilight Zone" addressed the novikov self-consistency principle of time travel: a woman, played by Katherine Heigl, goes back in time to kill baby Hitler. She succeeds, but his mother adopts a child and raises him as Adolf. He grows up to lead the Nazi Party.

how many times does a newborn baby poop?

In 1996 a stray cat who'd given birth to a litter in an abandoned Brooklyn garage returned to the structure five times after a fire broke out to save her kittens, despite her eyes blistered shut and her paw pads burned from the flames. (Mama and babies all survived.)

What is tummy time for baby?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the best time to have a baby. Here are 50 of the best facts about Baby Time Library and Baby Time Stroller I managed to collect.

why baby cries every night at the same time?

  1. The baby boomer generation was labelled the 'Me Generation' in the 70s and was described as a 'culture of narcissism' by writers and journalists at the time.

  2. Premature babies who are lightly massaged a few times a day gain weight 47% faster and thus leave hospitals sooner, saving about $3,000 in hospital costs. 8 months later these infants continued to thrive.

  3. Pregnant women that frequently consumed diet beverages with artificial sweeteners were two times more likely to have babies who were overweight or obese at one year after birth. Also artificial sweeteners weaken the link in our brains between sweetness and calories which can lead to weight gain.

  4. Baby tortoises have been found on the Galapagos Island for the first time in over 100 years.

  5. A baby boy was born via caesarean to a 15-year-old girl, who happened to have a vulva but no vagina, 278 days after she sustained abdominal wounds in a knife fight after giving oral sex, during which time spermatozoa gained access to her reproductive organs via the injured gastrointestinal tract

  6. Hit Me Baby (One More Time)" is mistranslated. The swedish writer for the Britney Spears song thought that "hit me" was American slang for "call me".

  7. The song "... Baby one more time" was actually written for the girl band TLC, it was suggested to Britney after the band rejected it

  8. Britney Spears' debut single "...Baby One More Time" peaked at No.1 in every country it charted in

  9. Willie Sutton, a bank robber in the early 1900’s who stole an estimated 2 million over a 40 year career. He never robbed a bank with a loaded gun because he didn’t want anyone to get hurt, and allegedly never robbed a bank when a woman screamed or a baby cried. He escaped prison 3 times

  10. Caillou is bald because the original books portray him as a baby; when the time came to make him a four-year-old, it was found that adding hair made him unrecognizable, so he stayed bald.

baby time facts
What is hit me baby one more time about?

Baby Time data charts

For your convenience take a look at Baby Time figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

baby time fact data chart about Number of babies born vs. Income across time - Animated Gif
Number of babies born vs. Income across time - Animated Gif

baby time fact data chart about Happy Birthday - Popularity of Baby Names in the US over Tim
Happy Birthday - Popularity of Baby Names in the US over Time (Interactive)

Why does my baby grunt all the time?

You can easily fact check why does my baby hate tummy time by examining the linked well-known sources.

"Oops! I Did It Again" and "Baby One More Time" by Britney Spears have been used by the British Navy to scare off Somali pirates.

A rare, endangered marsupial that produces fatal levels of testosterone during 3-week "sex marathons." By the time the babies are born each year, all of the adult males have dropped dead. - source

The song that launched Britney Spears' career Hit Me Baby One More Time was originally offered to and was rejected by R&B group TLC - source

Melatonin levels secreted in breast milk vary depending on the time of day, helping a baby know when to sleep/wake up and thus regulate its sleep cycle. Babies who are fed formula have a harder time regulating their sleep cycle and are more prone to colic

An Australian man who has donated blood over 1100 times, and saved over two million babies. His blood contains a rare combination of antibodies that is used to treat Rhesus disease. - source

When is the right time to have a baby?

Women are about 14 times more likely to die during or after giving birth to a live baby than to die from complications of an abortion.

How many times should a baby poop?

Babies only blink 1-2 times a minute, while adults have to blink every 2-10 seconds.

A double headed baby who lived a hundred years ago in Europe provided the solution to the controversy as to whether we sleep because our bodies or brains are tired. As the baby's head slept at different times, it proved that it was the brain

Families in blood debt some times attempt to resolve the situation by leaving a baby (face down into a pillow) on their doorstep. If the grieving family turn the baby over, they accept it into their home and the 2 families are related. If they leave the baby to die, the feud intensifies.

The mom of the baby on the cover of Biggie Small's "Ready to Die" album had a difficult time getting other baby modeling gigs because of his enormous, ultimately iconic afro

All pandas worldwide are owned by China. They rent them out to zoos for $1mil/year each with minimum of 10 years, plus an additional $1 million for any babies born during that time.

Baby time infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Baby Time numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

baby time fact infographic about Comparing rate of male babies and female babies named "Harle

Comparing rate of male babies and female babies named "Harley" over time.

baby time fact infographic about Chart showing number of times "Babe" or "Baby" is said in ea

Chart showing number of times "Babe" or "Baby" is said in each Led Zeppelin Album

Baby cries all the time when awake?

The term "autoinfanticide" means "going back in time and killing oneself as a baby."

In the opening sequence of the Simpsons, when Marge accidentally scans her baby Maggie, the price reads "847.63", which was the average cost of raising a baby at the time

The first time a Navajo baby laughs, the family throws a party. The person who made the baby laugh provides the food.

Britney Spears' "Hit Me Baby One More Time" was actually a mistranslation from Swedish...the songwriters thought "hit" was American slang for "call."

Movie studios use identical twins when shooting with babies because, under a certain age, there is a limit on the number of hours that can be worked. Identical babies doubles the time.

How to sync analog and digital time on baby g?

Brian Wilson of the Beach Boys had an unhealthy obsession with the Ronnettes song "Be My Baby". He apparently listened to the song in excess over 100 times a day and made a Beach Boys engineer create a tape loop of the song's chorus so he could listen to it for several hours in a row

The Museum of Natural History has on its premises a sculpture that's actually a time capsule to be opened in the year 3000. Inside the capsule are condoms from Zimbabwe, Penicillin from France, hair samples from many people, and a unicorn Beanie Baby amongst many other items.

Baby spends first five months in the mother's pouch. After that time, baby will jump out of the pouch but remain close to the mother for additional nursing or protection against danger. At the age of seven months, young wombat is ready to begin a solitary life.

Babies are kept in the burrows for a long period of time (until they gain enough weight) before they are ready to emerge to the surface. Mother is very protective and she aggressively defends her burrow.

Male seahorses have a pouch on the front side of their body. When female deposits her eggs inside the pouch, male fertilizes them internally. Male can carry up to 2000 babies at the time.

If the mother releases one egg and becomes pregnant and then releases another egg within 24 days she may become pregnant again with a second baby at the same time. Although the babies will be a different age they are usually born at the same time. This is referred to as superfetation. It is possible for the babies to have different fathers in this situation.

Babies are often born with dark blue eyes which will often change color several times before they set, which can be as late as when the child is 2 years old.

When groundhogs have babies they have about six at a time and the babies live with their mothers for several months.

Most species of parrots are monogamous (one pair creates a bond that lasts forever). Female lays 2 to 7 eggs that hatch after incubation period of 22 to 30 days. Both parents take care of the chicks. Baby parrots are blind at birth and covered with thin feathers. After couple of weeks their body is covered with feathers completely and they are able to see, but they stay with their parents for some more time. Young parrots reach sexual maturity at the age of one to four years, depending on the species.

Some dude named Max Martin has written FIFTY EIGHT top ten songs including "Baby One More Time," "I Kissed a Girl," and "Shake it Off"

Pregnancy in females lasts five months and ends with one baby. Babies are born during the rainfall season because food supplies are the most abundant at that time.

Britney's "...Baby one more time" is the only song in history to reach number one in every single country it charted (more than 20!)

Slug lays 20 to 100 eggs on the surface of the soil (usually under the leaves) couple of times per year. One slug can produce up to 90.000 babies in a lifetime.

The Britney Spears song "Hit Me Baby One More Time" was written by a Swedish songwriter who had mistranslated the slang term "hit me up"

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Baby Time. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Baby Time so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor