Ba Ba facts
While investigating facts about Bs Vs A Ba and Ba Baggage Allowance, I found out little known, but curios details like:
McDonald's paid Justin Timberlake an estimated $6 million dollars to sing ba-da-ba-ba-bah as part of their I'm loving it as campaign.
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Allee Willis was originally bothered by the 'ba-dee-ya' lyric in song 'September'. "I just said, 'What the fuck does 'ba-dee-ya' mean?' And [White] said, 'Who the fuck cares?' I learned my greatest lesson ever in songwriting from him, which was never let the lyric get in the way of the groove."
What is ba hand baggage allowance?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is ba and ba hons. Here are 50 of the best facts about Baa Baa Black Sheep and Ba Bar I managed to collect.
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In 1990 a wrongly-installed windscreen on BA Flight 5390 fell out, causing the plane’s cockpit to decompress and its captain to be pulled halfway out of the aircraft at over 17,000 feet. The crew held on to the captain's body fearing it get sucked into the engine. The captain survived.
When the London Eye (sponsored by British Airways) had technical issues erecting it in place. Richard Branson & Virgin sent over a blimp with 'BA can't get it up"
In Taiwan, Father's Day is on August 8th. This was determined by the fact that the eighth (ba) day of the eighth (ba) month makes two "eights" (八八, ba-ba), which sounds similar to the colloquial word for "daddy" (ba-ba,爸爸)
In 1979 Saddam Hussein convened a Ba'ath Party assembly of party leaders. Names of 68 "traitors" were read out. Each was taken from the room, tried together and found guilty of treason. Twenty-two men were sentenced to execution. Those spared were given weapons to execute their comrades.
About a building called Al Ba'sa (The Grudge), which is the thinnest building in Lebanon (it's 1m thick at its thinnest part). It was built by a guy wanted to block his brother's view of the sea.
BA flight 5390 where the captain was half blown out of the cockpit mid flight at 17000 feet and remained on the outside of the airplane until it landed over 20 minutes later
In 1971 Mary Higgins Clark enrolled at Fordham University to set a good example for her children's education, and in 1979 she graduated with a BA in philosophy.
In 1597 he earned his BA from Caius College.
When the British Airways sponsored London Eye had technical difficulties during its erection, Sir Richard Branson had a blimp fly over the site with a banner that read "BA can't get it up!!"
In 1944 he received a BA in mathematics and in 1946 he received his MA.
Ba Ba data charts
For your convenience take a look at Ba Ba figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
Bays in the Gulf of Thailand along the Vietnam coast include Vinh Tuan Ven, Vinh Ba Hon, and Vinh Hon Chong.
The second most endangered primate in the world, the Cat Ba Langur. It has a population of less than 60 members in the wild. - source
The CIA helped the Ba'ath Party and Saddam to power in Iraq - source
In 1804 he earned his BA and his MA in 1808.
In 1980 he earned his BA in Physics from Harvard University.
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About Ba Van Nguyen, a south Vietnamese pilot that stole a chinook to fly his family out of Saigon during the Fall of Saigon. He hovered over the USS Kirk so his family could board, proceeded to crash the chinook into sea and jump out at the same time.
How much is ba baggage allowance?
After graduation with a BS in engineering he studied for a BA in mathematics.
One radioactive isotope, Ba-130, has such a long half-life that it was only recently discovered through geochemical methods to be radioactive.
In 1945 Noam Chomsky entered the University of Pennsylvania and he obtained his BA with his honor's thesis, "Morphophonemics of Modern Hebrew."
McDonald's paid Justin Timberlake about US$6 million to sing the "ba-da-ba-ba-bah" jingle in the first U.S. "I'm Lovin' It" TV spots.
Upon his return to the United States, Langston earned his BA in English from Lincoln University. One of his classmates was future Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall.
Ba ba infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Ba Ba numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

My heart rate during FireFighter stair climb May 2018, 1103 steps, BA donned and started. Source Apple Watch