Avatar Avatar facts
While investigating facts about Avatar Avatar Picture and Avatar Avatar State, I found out little known, but curios details like:
James Cameron would use a nail gun to nail the film crew's cell phones to a wall in retaliation for unwanted ringing during the production of Avatar.
how many seasons of avatar the last airbender?
The classic 101 Dalmatians animated film sold more tickets in the United States than Avatar or Avengers: Endgame
What is an avatar in the movie avatar?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Avatar Avatar Movie and Avatar Avatar Film I managed to collect.
what is an avatar in avatar the last airbender?
Avatar The Last Airbender received a Genesis Award from HSUS in the category Outstanding Children's Programming for "Appa's Lost Days" (2x16). It was described as "a mythical tale about animals held captive for human entertainment that resonates with the way animals are used in circuses today".
When adjusting for ticket price inflation Gone With The Wind is the all time biggest earning film in the US, grossing $1.6 billion domestically which is over twice as much as Avatar earned.
Avatar (2009 Film) required 4,000 servers, 35,000 CPU Cores, 104 TB of RAM, and 3 PB of Network Area Storage in a 10,000 sq ft farm to render the movies effects
In Avatar: The Last Airbender, the bending styles for each element were influenced by a different Chinese martial art. For example, earthbenders use movements inspired by Hung Gar––chosen for its firmly rooted stances and powerful strikes as a representation of the solidity of earth.
Sam Worthington was broke and living in his car when he landed the lead role of Jake Sully in Avatar
In Avatar: The Last Airbender, "The Boulder" was voiced by WWE Legend Mick Foley, after they were unable to get The Rock, who the "The Boulder" was based on.
Mark Hamill voiced the pirate Captain Stickybeard in Codename: Kids Next Door, the ruler of the Fire Nation Fire Lord Ozai in Avatar: The Last Airbender, the evil Skeleton King in Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go!, multiple roles in Metalocalypse and the groundskeeper Skips in Regular Show.
Mark Hamill was Fire Lord Ozai in the Avatar series
Besides playing the voice for the Joker in Batman, Mark Hamill has voice acted many villains, like Fire Lord Ozai in Avatar, the last Airbender, Colonel Muska in Castle in the Sky, the Hobgoblin in Spider-Man
The largest, oldest Douglas Fir trees are real life "mother trees" from the movie Avatar - they send nutrients via soil fungi to the smaller trees around them, and they favor the seedlings that are their own offspring
Avatar Avatar data charts
For your convenience take a look at Avatar Avatar figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why is avatar the last airbender so good?
You can easily fact check why avatar the last airbender is a bad show by examining the linked well-known sources.
Dante Basco, who played Rufio in Hook, is the voice actor for Prince Zuko in Avatar the Last Airbender
James Cameron kept a nail gun with him on the set of Avatar and would nail cell phones that rang on set during a take to the wall. - source
The Chinese have opened the highest and longest glass-bottom bridge in the world in an area known as the Avatar Mountains. The bridge spans 430 meters and is as much as 300 meters high. - source
The production team of Avatar: The Last Airbender tried to get Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson to voice The Boulder, but were unable to do so. He was eventually voiced by pro-wrestler Mick Foley, a good friend of The Rock. - source
When is avatar the last airbender coming to netflix?
James Cameron plans on filming the Avatar 2/3 at 48-60 FPS rather than 24 FPS to add a heightened sense of reality by reducing motion blur and flicker
How many seasons of avatar the last airbender are there?
Zoe Saldana is the second highest-grossing actress of all time (behind Scarlett Johansson) due to appearing in the two highest-grossing films of all time, Avatar and Avengers:Endgame.
In 1979, Atari did not yet include programmers' names in game credits. A programmer on the game "Adventure" secretly hid the message "Created by Warren Robinett", which would appear only when a player moved an avatar over a specific pixel at a specific time, creating the first media Easter Egg.
Iroh's friendly prison guard from Avatar: The Last Airbender is voiced by tennis player Serena Williams
The Dalai Lama's Real Name is Tenzin Gyatso, the Two Mentors from the Avatar Series are Named Thus
Sweetie, a CGI avatar created by a child's rights organization to lure online sexual predators.
Avatar avatar infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Avatar Avatar numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.