Athletic Competition facts
While investigating facts about Athletic Competition, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Olympians are now allowed a modest amount of THC in blood tests. In May 2013, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) raised the in-competition threshold for marijuana tenfold, to 150 ng/ml, meaning that an athlete would have to be a "pretty dedicated cannabis consumer" to test positive.
Long-distance swimming is unique among the world's various athletic competitions. It is one of very few endurance sports where there are women's records that beat men's records under equal conditions, especially as the distances increases.
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 28 of the best facts about Athletic Competition I managed to collect.
Little league sports were originally organized to keep poor kids off the streets but the Depression caused leagues to close down so poor children from urban areas lost opportunities for competitive athletics. Fee-based groups filled the void but only upper class kids could afford them.
From 1912 to 1952, the Olympics awarded official medals for painting, sculpture, architecture, literature and music, alongside those for the athletic competitions. A total of 151 medals were awarded to original works in the fine arts inspired by athletic endeavors
There are Independent Olympic Athletes who don't represent any specific country in Olympic competition.
Female athletes participating in sports competitions are often required to undergo a gender verification test. The issue has arisen multiple times in the Olympic games where women with an intersex condition were thought to have an unfair advantage.
Female athletes can be banned from competition if they naturally produce too much testosterone and do not consent to surgery or drugs to reduce their testosterone levels.
The plunge for distance, a former Olympic sport in which contestants plunged into the water and, without moving any of their limbs, float as far as they can for 60 seconds. A sports writer in the New York Times described it as "slowest thing in the way of athletic competition".
Poodle is proficient swimmer with excellent water-retrieving skills. It was often used for hunting of ducks in the past. Thanks to its athletic nature and great agility, it can accomplish excellent results on the competitions in agility, tracking and herding.
Art competitions used to be part of the Olympics. It was abandoned because the artists were considered professionals, while Olympic athletes were required to be amateurs.
About Shigeki Tanaka, Hiroshima bombing survivor and winner of the 1951 Boston Marathon. It was the first post-WWII athletic competition to invite Japanese athletes, who had also been barred from the 1948 London Olympics. The Boston Globe nicknamed him “atomic boy.”
Between 1912 &1948, Art Competitions were a part of the Olympics.Medals were awarded for works of art inspired by sport: Architecture, Literature, Music, Painting, Sculpture. Abandoned in 1954 bcoz artists were considered to be professionals, while Olympic athletes were required to be amateurs
Athletic Competition data charts
For your convenience take a look at Athletic Competition figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about athletic competition?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Louis–Schmeling paradox, which says that the economics of sports are different from every other industry because monopolies in sports make less money than competitive franchises. Athletes and athletic leagues need to be competitive to maximize their profit.
Boris Yeltsin chose a new national anthem for Russia in 1990 but the anthem was unpopular with the Russian public, many politicians and public figures. It lacked lyrics and it failed to inspire Russian athletes during international competitions - source
The Olympic Committee used to give out medals for the fine arts, as well as athletic competition. Medals were awarded for literature, music, painting, sculpture, and architecture. - source
Competitive e-sports players can get a U.S. visa as pro athlete. The first player to receive one was Danny "Shiphtur" Le, of Edmonton, Canada.
The 1951 Boston Marathon was the first post-World War II athletic competition to invite Japanese athletes. It was won by Shigeki Tanaka ― a Japanese citizen - source
The victorious Allied countries held an athletic competition in 1919 for those who had served in their militaries during WW1. Among the events at the first and only Inter-Allied Games was a hand-grenade competition, won by a US chaplain.
The Dwarf Athletic Association of America is an organization that makes athletic competition opportunities for dwarf athletes in the United States.
Spain cheated at the 2000 Summer Paralympics basketball competition by sending a team of non-disabled athletes who pretended to be intellectually disabled.
The Black 14. In 1969, football players at the U of Wyo were dismissed for planning to wear black armbands against BYU. Ranked #12 in the nation at the time, over the years they've failed to be competitive due to a lack of interest in attending from black athletes.
"competitive endurance tickling" videos are a thing, where young athletic men are restrained and tickled by each other. Former participants also describe manipulative treatment, defamation campaigns, exposing of personal information and threats by the producers.
Donald Dinnie, the nineteenth century's greatest athlete, won over 11,000 competitions over 50 years