Incredible and fun facts to explore

Athlete Foot facts

While investigating facts about Athlete's Foot and Athlete's Foot Treatment, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Putting socks on before underpants in the morning reduces chance of jock itch, as it is often caused by transfer of athlete's foot (tinea).

how athlete's foot is spread?

Pakistan once tried to ban the words mango, lavender, athlete's foot, Wuutang and pud (among others) from being sent via text message due to "obscenity"

What's athlete's foot look like?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what's athlete's foot symptoms. Here are 16 of the best facts about Athlete's Foot Cream and Athlete's Foot Store I managed to collect.

what's athlete's foot?

  1. Athlete's foot fungus glows orange in black light

  2. Athlete's foot is a disease of the 20th century and only propagated widely in humans after WWI

  3. Native Americans used leaves of sagebrush to prevent infections of wounds, stop the bleeding and to treat common cold, headache and athlete's foot.

  4. Athlete's foot is a common fungal disease that causes someone's feet to become red and itchy.

  5. Albert M. Kligman, the inventor of Retin-A, was involved in unethical human experiments on the inmates of Holmsburg Prison that included exposing them to dioxin, herpes, staphylococcus, and athlete's foot as well as chemical weapons and psychoactive drugs.

  6. Henna can be used in treatment of blisters on the skin, rash, fever, athlete's foot and ringworms.

  7. A Jones Fracture, a type of athletic foot injury, was first described by surgeon Robert Jones who sustained the injury while dancing.

  8. Jewelweed contains chemicals that are useful in treatment of poison ivy rash, skin burns, insect bites and hives. It also contains antimicrobial compounds that can be used in treatment of athlete's foot (type of fungal disease).

  9. Wilt Chamberlain May Have Been The Greatest Athlete Of All Time. The Man Could Bench Press Up To 600 LBS, As Well As His Video Game Like 54 Inch Standing Vertical Leap, & The Time He Beat His Friend Jim Brown In A Foot Race With A 4.4 Second Hand Timed 40 Yard Dash.

  10. During college Payton Manning purposely put his testicles on the female athletic trainer face. This is while she was examining his foot.

athlete foot facts
What's athlete's foot caused by?

Why athlete's foot won't go away?

You can easily fact check why athlete's foot only on one foot by examining the linked well-known sources.

Athletes foot and toenail fungus are caused by Dermatophytes that eat our skin and nails

Jock Itch and Athlete's Foot are Ringworm and that Ringworm has nothing to do with worms. - source

Even though Patches O'Houlihan does it, you definitely should not drink your own urine. It offers no health benefits and contains detrimental bacteria. However, its reported that Madonna urinates on her own feet to cure athlete's foot. - source

In 1906, an Irish Olympic silver medalist Peter O Connor climbed a 20 foot flag pole and waved the Irish flag when made to compete for Britain, all the while another Irish athlete (Con Leahy) fought off guards at the base of the pole. (xpost r/ireland)

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Athlete Foot. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Athlete Foot so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor