Apple Iphone facts
While investigating facts about Apple Iphone 11 and Apple Iphone Se, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Back in May 2016, in order to show the absurdities of software EULAs, the Norwegian Consumer Council did a live, word-by-word, non-stop reading of all of Apples and 3rd party EULAs on an "average" iPhone. It took them over 32 hours.
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In 2013, Apple banned an app from the appstore for having the potential to damage a user's device. This app was called, "Send Me To Heaven". The premise of the game was, the user would throw their iPhone into the air as high as possible. The creator wanted to destroy as many iPhones as possible.
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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what apple iphone to buy. Here are 50 of the best facts about Apple Iphone Xr and Apple Iphone 11 Pro I managed to collect.
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A Brazilian electronics company is legally allowed to call their phone 'iPhone' because they trademarked the word in 2000, 7 years prior to Apple's iPhone. The phone runs on Android.
The mobile game "Send Me to Heaven" involves throwing your phone as high in the air as you can. the creator said he made it with the hope of destroying as many iPhones as possible, but Apple banned it from the App Store.
An iPhone game called "Send me to heaven" which scores players on how high they can fling their iPhones into the air. The creator said he had hoped to have people shatter as many iPhones as possible. Apple banned it for "encouraging behavior that could result in damage to the user’s device"
A hacker was able to recreate the fingerprint of the German Defense Minister from a photograph. This is the same hacker who defeated Apple's thumbprint verification within 24 hours of the release of the iPhone 5S.
The mobile game "Send Me to Heaven" involves throwing your phone as high in the air as you can. the creator said he made it with the hope of destroying as many iPhones as possible, but Apple banned it from the App Store
A hacker was able to recreate the fingerprint of the German Defense Minister from a photograph. This is the same hacker who defeated Apple's thumbprint verification within 24 hours of the release of the iPhone 5S.
The mobile game "Send Me to Heaven" involves throwing your phone as high in the air as you can. the creator said he made it with the hope of destroying as many iPhones as possible, but Apple banned it from the App Store.
Apple spends $236 to make each iPhone 6s Plus device, which it sells for over three times that value at $749. Also, a 64GB iPhone costs Apple about $17 more to make than a 16 GB iPhone, but Apple charges iPhone buyers $100 more for the increased memory
Apple recovered 2,204 pounds of gold from broken iPhones last year
Fraudsters in China cost Apple over $2 Billion by returning fake iPhones for refunds
Apple Iphone data charts
For your convenience take a look at Apple Iphone figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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You can easily fact check why apple iphone 11 by examining the linked well-known sources.
The Pixies song, "Gigantic" used by Apple to promote the iPhone 5S last spring is about a black man's penis.
Every Apple product in every promotional photo is set to 9:41 a.m. This is because when Jobs introduced the original iPhone at MacWorld 2007, he wanted the first image of the phone to show the actual time on the audience's watches. He did a practice run in 41 minutes, so the time was set to 9:41 - source
In 2013, Apple banned a game called "Send Me To Heaven" which involved throwing your iPhone as high as you can. The creator wanted to deliberately destroy as many iPhones as possible. - source
AT&T forced Apple to block Skype calls on the iPhone between 2007-2009 because it competed with their own service
The first "iPhone" was actually released in 1998 by a company called Infogear, a good nine years before Steve Jobs introduced Apple's iPhone. Infogear was subsequently acquired by Cisco which then got into a trademark battle with Apple in 2007 over the name. The two companies eventually settled. - source
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It is believed that Apple slows down your old iPhones because they want you to buy a new one
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Every Apple iPhone advertisement displays the time as 9:41 AM, the time Steve Jobs unveiled it in 2007.
Apple started working on the iPad in 2002, and the iPhone was actually a spin-off from the iPad development.
The 1st iPhone Wasn’t Made by Apple: The 1st device named “iPhone” was made by Cisco. Apple announced their product 22 days later. Cisco sued for trademark infringement, settled out of court and both companies were allowed to use the name. However, you’ve probably never heard of Cisco's iPhone.
Apple is purposely slowing down your iphones with software upgrades designed to significantly slow down older models and force users to upgrade to new model. It’s a marketing practice called “planned obsolescence”.
Apple deliberately deleted competitors' music from iPods and iPhones from 2007 to 2009.
Apple iphone infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Apple Iphone numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.