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American Flag facts

While investigating facts about American Flag Images and American Flag Background, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The American flag deployed on the moon during the Apollo 11 mission was inserted only seven inches deep and was placed about 27 feet from the Eagle landing craft. As a result, it was blown over by the blast of the rocket exhaust during the takeoff back to Earth.

how american flag was made?

The american flag "code" prohibits using the flag "for any advertising purpose" and also states that the flag "should not be embroidered, printed, or otherwise impressed on such articles as cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, boxes, or anything intended to be discarded after temporary use".

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what american flag is blue and white. Here are 50 of the best facts about American Flags For Sale and American Flag Tattoo I managed to collect.

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  1. An American called Gilbert Bates marched across England after the civil war carrying an American flag on a bet of 1000 dollars that he wouldnt be insulted along the way. He couldnt get to London because of the crowds who supported him.

  2. The man standing behind George Washington and holding the American flag in the famous painting "Washington Crossing the Delaware" is 18-year-old officer and future president James Monroe.

  3. While not enforceable, the U.S. has a flag code which advises Americans on proper flag usage. Examples include, No marking or changing the flag's colors, It must be lowered at night unless properly lit, a flag may not be used on a float without a pole, and no flag apparel of any sort.

  4. Springsteen isn't pissing on the American flag on the album cover of Born In The USA. "We took a lot of different types of pictures, and in the end, the picture of my ass looked better than the picture of my face...I didn't have any secret message."

  5. American flags made in China are banned in the U.S. Military.

  6. Robert Heft designed the 50 star American Flag in 1958 as a 17 year old for a high school class project. He received a B-, though it was changed to an A after his flag design was chosen and adopted by presidential proclamation after Alaska and before Hawaii were admitted into the union.

  7. The Nazi salute looked almost identical to what was, at the time, the salute to the American flag. The USA changed the salute in 1942 after the Nazis adopted it.

  8. In 2014 the Danish government recreated their entire country in Minecraft. It took 4 trillion blocks to build. However, it was discovered that you could use TNT Minecarts on the server. Almost immediatly people started blowing up towns, and planting american flags and tanks over the ruins.

  9. American flags made in China are banned in the U.S. Military.

  10. There is a secret cemetery in France, where no flag is allowed to fly, which holds the bodies of American soldiers convicted of heinous crimes during WWII.

american flag facts
What does the american flag represent?

American Flag data charts

For your convenience take a look at American Flag figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

american flag fact data chart about American flag with each colonies stripe width representing i
American flag with each colonies stripe width representing its population in 2017. Ordered from North to South. 5700x3000px

american flag fact data chart about Main color of American countries flags
Main color of American countries flags

Why american flag backwards?

You can easily fact check why american flag at half mast today by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Nazi salute looked almost identical to what was, at the time, the salute to the American flag. The USA changed the salute in 1942 after the Nazis adopted it.

All The American Flags on The Moon are Now White Because of The Intense UV Radiation From The Unfiltered Sunlight - source

In 2013 a group of Neo Nazis tried to create a compound near a small town in North Dakota. Several local Native American grandmothers raided one of the Neo Nazi rallies and stole their Nazi flag, then burned it. - source

After the American Civil war some 10,000 to 20,000 Confederates fled to Brazil, founding the city of Americana near São Paulo. Today their descendents called "Confederados" have an annual festival marked by Confederate flags, uniforms, hoop skirts, and foods like fried chicken.

In 1992, Michael Jordan was the ambassador of Nike but his team was sponsored by Reebok so his uniform had a Reebok patch on the right shoulder.Jordan carried an American flag on his right shoulder to completely hide the Reebok logo proclaiming that "The American flag cannot deface anything." - source

When american flag is upside down?

When the first US ship arrived in China in 1785, the Chinese loved the American flag, calling it "as beautiful as a flower". Since then, an informal Chinese name for the United States has been the "flower flag country".

How many stars are on the american flag?

On September 11, 1857, Mormons disguised themselves as Native Americans and attacked a wagon train. Then Mormon leaders, under a flag of truce, tricked the settlers into leaving their defenses; They then slaughtered all 120+ defenseless men, women, and children.

The American flag present on the deck of the USS Missouri during signing of the Japanese Instrument of Surrender was the same flag that Commodore Matthew Perry flew when the U.S. Navy's Far East Squadron sailed into Tokyo Bay to force the opening of Japan's ports to foreign trade.

When flown at half-staff, the American flag should be first hoisted to the peak for an instant and then lowered to the half-staff position

During the Nazi occupation of France, the Nazis didn't remove the American flag flying over the Marquis de Lafayette's grave

When american flag was made?

In 1962 the US Government proposed Operation Northwoods, a plan to commit acts of 'false flag' terrorism on American soil, for which Cuba would be blamed, in an effort to gain public support for a US invasion of Cuba. The plan was rejected by the Kennedy Administration

The "American" flags at Disney's Magic Kingdom intentionally contain less than 50 stars so that they don't have to be taken down in poor weather or lit up at night.

the Original Olympic Flag was stolen by an American Diver on a dare then kept by him for 80 years.

Main Street USA at Disney World only has one real American Flag, and the rest intentionally have less than 50 stars due to not wanting to take them down in inclement weather or light them up at night.

Rules about how to address the US flag came about because Americans didn't want to look like Nazis.

How to dispose of american flag?

The Sun seen on many South American flags and coat of arms, such as Argentina, Peru, Bolivia, and Ecuador, is a reference to the Incan god of the Sun, Inti.

The American flag used by the Apollo 11 crew was purchased at Sears for $5.50

American soldiers and Boy Scouts regularly burn the US Flag, as the most dignified way to dispose of it when the flag has been damaged/become unfit to represent the United States.

A Homeowners Association(HOA) tried to foreclose on a 73 year old vetran's house for flying the American Flag

After killing President Lincoln, John Wilkes Booth's spur was caught on an American flag when he jumped down to the stage causing him to break his leg

In 1941, an American sailor was dishonorably discharged for taking down a Nazi flag in San Francisco, only to be reinstated after war broke out

An American flag hung upside down signals that one is in distress and needs help

The American flag is reversed on military uniforms so that it never appears to be retreating.

Charles Whitman, who killed 16 and wounded 32 in the famous 1966 Austin clock tower shootings, had a burial with full military honors and his casket was draped in the American flag

During the american revolution, the dutch had to create the american flag based on a written descriptions, resulting in an inaccurate flag that went into the dutch official records.

The current American flag was designed by a 17-year-old high school student named Robert G. Heft for a class project. He received a B- on the assignment.

In 1954 Israel tried to create a false flag attack in Egypt by planting bombs in Egyptian, American, and British civilian targets. Muslims were to be blamed in order to convince British troops to stay in the Suez canal. Israel denied any involvement before awarding the agents 51 years later.

The 'USA' flags at Disneyland don't have 50 stars and 13 stripes. They are not classified as true American flags and therefore do not need to be lowered or lit every night.

The first American flag was made of hemp

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about American Flag. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is American Flag so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor