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Alternate Versions facts

While investigating facts about Alternate Versions Of Spiderman and Alternate Versions Of Batman, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The first black-white interracial kiss on American television was on an episode of Star Trek. However, the producers were worried about the show being banned in the South because of it, and tried to shoot alternate versions of the shot. The actors intentionally flubbed those shots.

how the grinch stole christmas alternate versions?

Terry Gilliam's movie version of Watchmen was going to end with Doctor Manhattan going back in time to save himself from becoming Doctor Manhattan. Causing Rorschach, Nite Owl, and Silk Spectre to be transported to an alternate universe where The Watchmen only exist in comic form

What are alternate versions of items in your mailbox?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what are alternate versions of genes. Here are 36 of the best facts about Alternate Versions Of Superman and Alternate Versions Of Captain America I managed to collect.

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  1. In the aboriginal Canadian version of Lacrosse, each team consisted of about 100 to 1000 men, was played on a 1600ft to 10000ft long field and lasted from sunrise to sundown for two to three days straight. It was a symbolic alternative to war.

  2. Danger Mouse and Banksy replaced 500 copies of Paris Hilton's album with alternate versions that contained a whole number of mockery about her, including fake song names such as, "Why Am I Famous" and "What Have I Done"

  3. Many popular bands recorded alternate versions of their songs for The Sims

  4. The director Christopher Nolan recorded two separate commentary tracks for the DVD version of "Mememto" in order to mislead the audience. The alternate track is triggered every other time you play the audio commentary.

  5. Fifteen+ airlines showed an alternate version of Rain Man that left-out a scene about Raymond (Dustin Hoffman's character)'s refusal to fly

  6. It is common for Israeli elementary schools to use an alternate version of the plus sign, because the plus symbol resembles a Christian cross.

  7. A synthetic version of horseshoe crab blood has existed for 15 years and that the practice of bleeding horseshoe crabs alive by the pharmaceutical industry is outdated and unnecessary. Some companies are beginning to commit to the humane synthetic alternative.

  8. Queen recorded an alternate version of We Will Rock You, known as the "fast version", that featured guitar, bass, and drums through the whole song and used it to open most of their live shows

  9. There's an evil alternate version of Superman who snorts Kryptonite to gain his superpowers.

  10. The first black white interracial kiss on American TV was on an episode of Star Trek. The producers were worried the show would get banned in the South because of it, so they tried to shoot alternate versions of the shot. The actors flubbed those shots on purpose.

alternate versions facts
Alternate versions of the same genes are called what?

Why is steel ball run an alternate universe?

You can easily fact check why is part 7 in an alternate universe by examining the linked well-known sources.

The Incredibles takes place in an alternate version of the 1960s, not modern era

Sony was sued over the digital version of Times Square in Sam Raimi's first Spiderman movie. Some of the real billboards and other ads were replaced with alternative versions and the real advertisers sued. - source

In 1989, Lee Greenwood released an alternate version of his hit song “God Bless The USA” entitled “God Bless You Canada” - source

Historically in Lancashire there was an alternative version of God Save the Queen that went “God save our gracious Queen! Long live our noble Duke!”, referring to the Queens role as Duke of Lancaster.

The first Disney soundtrack recorded in alternate language versions was Tarzan's. - source

When you were young alternate version?

Neil Gaiman wrote a comic book series called Marvel 1602, which stars alternate versions of many of the early Marvel superheroes and is set in the Elizabethan era.

How many alternate versions of spider man are there?

There's an alternative version of "God Save The Queen" dedicated to the guillotine

Eminem recorded an alternate version of Lose Yourself in 2003, with the same tune but completely different lyrics, released as a bonus track on the Shady XV album in 2014.

Deadpool Corps is a team of Deadpools from alternate universes which includes a floating head, a dog, a kid, and a female version of Deadpool

There is an (official) alternate version of the theme to Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Igor Stravinsky composed an alternative version of "The Star-Spangled Banner" to make it easier to sing.

Interesting facts about alternate versions

Howard Phillips, who was originally a warehouse employee for Nintendo of America, was the man responsible of persuading Nintendo not to release the Japanese sequel to Super Mario Bros to the American market, and instead use the alternate version that was ultimately released.

The 'A' in "A Team" by Ed Sheeran refers to Class A drugs such as heroin, and there is an alternate version of the song featuring Mikill Pane which explicitly addresses human trafficking.

There's an Alternate Version of 'I Want It That Way ' by Backstreet Boys that makes more sense

There is an alternate (demo) version of Linkin Park – In The End

There was an alternate, unused version of the ST:TNG theme. The composer went on to compose the theme to ST:DS9.

Lee Greenwood, who wrote "God Bless the USA," also wrote a version called "God Bless You Canada" with alternate lyrics.

An alternate ending in the PS2 version of Return of the Sith where Anakin wins his duel against Obi-Wan.

There is an alternate version of the song "When Johnny Comes Marching Home" with haunting lyrics that completely transform the original

There's an alternate version to the song "I Want It that Way" by the Backstreet Boys, it's name is "No Goodbyes", it was recorded because the original song made no sense to the record company.

There is an alternate version of Superman where Kal-El is raised by Thomas and Martha Wayne to years later become Batman

There is an alternate version of The Backstreet Boys' "I Want it That Way" called "No Goodbyes" with the same music and different lyrics

The Daily Talk, the most widely read news medium in the Liberian capital of Monrovia, is published daily on a blackboard in the center of town. Included is an alternate version that uses symbols so those who are illiterate will be able to follow along.

Rights to the song "Happy Birthday to you" is owned by Warner Music Group and generates $2 million in royalties yearly, which is why restaurants sing alternate versions.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Alternate Versions. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Alternate Versions so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor