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Allowed Enter facts

While investigating facts about Sample Memo Not Allowed To Enter and Only Authorized Personnel Are Allowed To Enter, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Tuvalu gets 10% of its GDP from leasing its .tv Top Level Domain. This allowed it to able to enter the UN because it could finally afford the $100,000 entrance fee.

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The NFL has no rules stating that dogs aren't allowed to enter, making Air Bud something that could actually happen.

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In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what countries are felons not allowed to enter. Here are 50 of the best facts about Are Landlords Allowed To Enter Without Permission and Who Is Allowed To Enter Canada I managed to collect.

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  1. Bill Maher has said that selling marijuana allowed him to make enough money to get through Cornell and enter comedy.

  2. The only stuffed blue whale in the world is in the Natural History Museum in Sweden. The public was allowed to enter it up until a couple was found having sex inside it; now its jaws are opened only for special occasions like Swedish election days.

  3. Until the 1960s, men with long hair were not allowed to enter Disneyland because it did not meet the standards of Disney’s unwritten code dress

  4. While serving as the POTUS in 2002, President Bush choked on a pretzel causing him to lose consciousness and hitting his head on the way down. The only reason he survived is because the pretzel dissolved allowing air to enter back into his lungs where he regained consciousness.

  5. Elvis Presley asked Richard Nixon if he could get a badge from the Bureau of Narcotics and Dangerous Drugs. Presley believed the badge would allow him to legally enter any country with whatever weapons and drugs he wanted. Nixon obliged.

  6. There's a ghost city in Cyprus that no one has been allowed to enter for over 35 years.

  7. During WWI a British recruitment tool called the "Pals Battalion" allowed people from the same town to enter the military together. Though it increased enlistment rolls, it also devastated whole regions of the UK whenever a battalion experienced heavy casualties. By WWII the idea was abandoned.

  8. Angola holds a Miss Landmine beauty pageant to raise awareness of live landmines still in the country, by only allowing landmine survivors to enter the pageant

  9. The reason traditional Asian roofs curve out at the corners is to allow more light to enter the windows in winter and give more shade in summer.

  10. Nixon gave Elvis a federal narcotics badge which Elvis thought would legally allow him to enter any country both wearing guns and carrying any drugs he wished!

allowed enter facts
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Allowed Enter data charts

For your convenience take a look at Allowed Enter figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

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I created this image on a website called It allowed me to enter things to compare that media has covered in the past week and visually answer a number of questions.

Why dalits are not allowed to enter temples?

You can easily fact check why is malaysia not allowed to enter israel by examining the linked well-known sources.

Canada does not allow Americans to enter their country with a DUI on record.

Jonathan Ive, The Chief Designer at Apple, has a private lab that only his team and top Apple executives are allowed into. It is so secret that Ive refuses to allow his children to enter. - source

Nearly a third of the adult men living in the British territory of Pitcairn Island are convicted pedophiles. The U.K. foreign office does not allow its staff located on the island to be accompanied by their children, and all children under 16 require a special permit to enter. - source

Except for cats, insects and songbirds, absolutely no women of any species are allowed to enter Mount Athos, a Greek peninsula self-governed by Eastern Orthodox monks, to make living in celibacy easier for them

One of the last types of steam locomotive was maintained while the boiler was still in steam, by men in asbestos clothes entering the 220°F firebox and repairing the engine, while it was still under pressure. This was done to reduce downtime and allow a 6-day-a-week schedule. - source

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A World's Biggest Liar is an annual competition for telling lies, held in Cumbria, England. Politicians and lawyers are not allowed to enter the competition, because "they are judged to be too skilled at telling porkies".

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Four-legged herbivores such as cows and horses have "stay apparatus" in their legs -- tendons and ligaments that allow them to remain standing with minimal muscular effort. However, while this allows them to doze while standing, they can enter REM sleep and dream only while lying down.

There are no professional female sumo wrestlers because professional sumo wrestling bans women from competitions and ceremonies. Women are not allowed to enter or touch the sumo wrestling ring (dohyō), as this is traditionally seen to be a violation of the purity of the dohyō.

Madagascar allows travelers from basically every single other country on Earth to enter with a Visa on arrival

If you have a DUI in the US you may not be allowed to enter Canada.

Parsi/Parsee followers feed their dead to vultures in a place called Tower of silence & the family has to stay in the tower of silence for 4 days.No one else is allowed to enter and the rituals are quite secret.

When is a landlord allowed to enter your property?

The surface currents of the Alboran Sea flow towards the east, which allows for the flow of water from the Atlantic Ocean to enter the Mediterranean Sea. Subsurface currents flow west taking the Mediterranean's saltier water out to the Atlantic Ocean.

“white hole” the theoretical inverse of black holes, which cannot he entered from the exterior, and would allow light and matter to escape. Some scientists speculate that a supermassive white hole caused the Big Bang

In 1966 NASA test subject Jim Leblanc was accidentally exposed to a 'space' vacuum when his pressurization hose became detached. He lost consciousness but was rescued after rapid Re-pressurization of the chamber allowed for help to enter.

There's a place in Mongolia that was declared sacred by Genghis Khan. The only people allowed to enter were the Mongol Royal Family and a tribe of elite warriors, the darkhat, whose job it was to guard it, punishment for entering being death. They carried out their task for 697 yrs, until 1924.

The hijacker crew was led by Ziad Jarrah. Like most of the 911 hijackers, Jarrah was educated and came from a middleclass background. His background allowed him to enter the United States legally with relatively little suspicion.

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Stage 1 of a bullfight is called the Tercio de Varas (third of lances). During this stage the bull enters the ring and is tested to allow the matador to observe how it behaves when charging and how fierce it is. Two picadors then enter the ring on horses and stab the bull's neck when it charges. This causes the bull to lower its head and also helps to make it less dangerous to the matador.

According to legend, Emperor Ashoka of the Maurya Empire built a beautiful palace that was actually a torture chamber which was full of sadistic and cruel instruments of torture. Anyone who entered even by accident, including Ashoka himself, was not allowed to come out alive.

Black people were allowed to enter Hitler's Wehrmacht and the Nazi Youth organization in Germany

The defeat was devastating to the Confederates, which allowed the Union to enter Kentucky and occupy central Tennessee.

Until recently married Mormon couples that had oral sex were not allowed to enter their temples.

Afghanistan's first modern-style indoor shopping mall opened in 2005. The mall is equipped with escalators and see-through elevators. For security, the mall's glass windows are explosive resistant. Visitors are screened by metal detectors before being allowed to enter

The CIA has a museum which only employees and approved guests are allowed to enter

When the Boston Strangler murdered 11 women in the early 1960s, he did not break into their homes. Despite massive publicity and widespread panic about the crimes, victims continued to allow a strange man to enter.

For many years, Australia had an immigration policy that allowed only white people to enter the country.

IN the stomach food becomes a paste called chyme. The pyloric sphincter valve at the bottom of the stomach opens and allows the chyme to enter the duodenum.

Queen Elizabeth II is not allowed to enter the house of commons (lower house of the Parliament of the United Kingdom)

National Angel Island Day was declared on January 21st, 2010 by President Barack Obama, commemorating the 100 year anniversary of the Immigration Station's opening. The day is meant to honor all those who were both allowed to enter the U.S. and all those who faced hardship and discrimination at the facility.

During the Italian Campaign of WWII, U.S. General Mark Clark was ordered to break out of Anzio and drive east to cut off the German 10th Army, retreating northwards from Monte Cassino. Instead, he defied his orders and entered Rome unopposed, allowing the German Army to escape.

There is a region in Greece where no females are allowed to enter because women "alter the social dynamics of the community"

The Hillsborough Disaster in England occurred when Hillsborough stadium with a seating capacity of 40,000 allowed over 30,000 more people to enter resulting in the fatal crushing of 96 individuals and injuring 766 others.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Allowed Enter. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Allowed Enter so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor