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Alarm Clock facts

While investigating facts about Alarm Clock Sound and Alarm Clock App, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Before clocks, there were candle clocks, that when burned, indicated the passage of periods of time. To set an alarm, you pushed a nail into the desired point and the nail would ld fall and clank on the metal holder.

how to set an alarm clock?

In the US, production of alarm clocks was allowed in 1944, despite them containing brass needed for war materials, because workers kept missing their shifts due to a critical alarm clock shortage.

What is the best alarm clock for heavy sleepers?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is the loudest alarm clock. Here are 50 of the best facts about Alarm Clock Radio and Alarm Clock Amazon I managed to collect.

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  1. Human Alarm Clocks: Before the advent of reliable and affordable alarm clocks, British and Irish workers were woken up by a person who made sure they could get to work on time. The knocker-up used a baton to knock on clients’ doors or a long and light stick to reach windows on higher floors.

  2. Before alarm clocks were invented, people would drink tons of water before they went to bed so that their over-full bladder would wake them up around the time they needed to be up

  3. Before alarm clocks, people were employed as "knocker uppers" to go around and knock on doors to wake people up.

  4. The creators of ‘Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy’ ended up with so much footage after production that they actually made a second 90-minute film called ‘Wake Up, Ron Burgundy: The Lost Film,’ which investigated group of unprofessional bank-robbing thieves called “The Alarm Clock.”

  5. Before alarm clocks there were 'knocker-ups' in Britain and Ireland who went knocking door to door with a large stick.

  6. The conservationist, John Muir, was an avid inventor. He hooked up an alarm clock to his custom bed that would throw him onto the floor to ensure he got up on time.

  7. "knocker-uppers" a profession with the sole purpose of waking people up in the morning, later to become obsolete by alarm clocks.

  8. A mechanical alarm clock was created by an American named Levi Hutchins in 1787. He made the device for himself and it only rang at 4 AM, in order to wake him for his job. The French inventor Antoine Redier was the first to patent an adjustable mechanical alarm clock, in 1847, 60 years later.

  9. The 9 minute alarm clock "Snooze" is a holdover from when clocks had mechanical gears

  10. Before the age of alarm clocks, there was a job known as the "knocker up" where a man would tap on someones window with a long pole until they were awake. Often factories would hire men to ensure they made it to the knocker up position on time.

alarm clock facts
What is the best alarm clock?

Why alarm clocks are annoying?

You can easily fact check why alarm clock sound by examining the linked well-known sources.

She showed an early interest in engineering and at the age of seven tore apart seven of the family's alarm clocks to see how they worked.

There was an alarm clock sortage in the second world war, due to all the factories being converted for war. Workers subsequently missed their shifts as a result, and were one of the first consumer good to be made after the war ended.

The first alarm clock was invented in 1787 in Concord, New Hampshire.

When alarm clocks were invented?

Before there were alarm clocks, there were “knockers-up”, who were hired to shoot dried peas from a blow gun at people’s windows in order to wake them up in the morning.

How to set sony alarm clock?

The Energy Star program came under scrutiny after an audit found it approved a gasoline-powered alarm clock and a space heater with an attached feather duster.

Savannah is very intelligent cat. It can learn to turn the faucet, activate alarm clock, open various cabinets in the house, walk on the leash and retrieve toys.

Ostriches like to ingest things like pebbles to help digest the food they eat. In 1930, an ostrich in London Zoo died and when examinated, its stomach contained three gloves, seven coins, 6 feet of string, an alarm clock key and much more.

During the industrial revolution, when the alarm clock was still deemed too expensive by many in the working class, there were professional Knocker Uppers to bang on your window to wake you up!

When was the alarm clock invented?

Before clocks, there were candle clocks that when burned, indicated the passage of periods of time. To set an alarm, you pushed the nail into the desired point and the nail would fall and clank on the metal holder.

The origins of alarm clocks date as far back as 400-350 BC, where it is said that Plato used a water clock to wake himself up, probably to begin his lectures.

Plato invented the alarm clock and used it to wake up students at his Academy

Before the majority had alarm clocks in Northen England. They used to hire people to tap everyone's windows with a long stick.

There were flintlock alarm clocks. The flintlock mechanism would light a candle to assist in awakening the sleeper.

How to set a digital alarm clock?

Oscar Meyer invented an alarm clock that wakes you to the sound and smell of bacon cooking

Many electric alarm clocks use the frequency (Hz) of your local electricity to measure time, and this is why the time can sometimes fluctuate.

Before alarm clocks were reliable, one would hire a "Knocker-upper" to rap on a sleeping person's window and wake them up for the day

The "real" Hatter In Alice in Wonderland is probably Theophilus Carter, inventor of an alarm-clock bed in 1851 that tipped the sleeper into a tub of cold water at waking time. Carter became known as the "Mad Hatter" from his habit of standing in the door of his furniture shop wearing a top hat.

Your sleep cycle is regulated by the PER protein aka 'Alarm clock' gene & your body learns to increase PER levels approximately 1/hr before your alarm so that you gradually wake up instead of having your sleep cycle being interrupted by an alarm.

The reason alarm clocks snooze for 9 minutes is that according to Mental Floss, before digital clocks, engineers were restricted to nine minute snooze periods by the gears in a standard clock. They could either set the snooze for a little more than nine minutes, or a little more than 10 minutes

An alarm clock could go on for 13 years without replacing the battery

The Teasmade, a uniquely British combination alarm clock / kettle / teapot that makes your tea for you in the morning.

There is a brand of alarm clock called clocky which is outfitted with wheels, allowing it to hide itself in order to force the owner to wake up.

Before there were alarm clocks, there were “knockers-up”, who were hired to shoot dried peas from a blow gun at people’s windows in order to wake them up in the morning.

How people used to wake up before there were any alarm clocks in the world.

The first alarm clock is believed to have been invented in the 3rd century.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Alarm Clock. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Alarm Clock so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor