Airport Runway facts
While investigating facts about Airport Runway Markings and Airport Runway Design, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Airport runway numbers actually indicate direction on a compass
how airport runways are numbered?
In 1986 the United Way released 1.5 million balloons in Cleveland as a publicity stunt. It clogged the land and waterways of NE Ohio, shut down an airport runway, and forced the Coast Guard to suspend a search and rescue of 2 men who ended up drowning.
Where is runway 6 at bradley airport?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what airport has the most runways. Here are 50 of the best facts about Airport Runway Numbers and Airport Runway Lights I managed to collect.
which runway is in use at manchester airport today?
On the tiny island nation of Tuvalu, everyday for about two hours before sunset hundreds of Tuvaluans, young and old, meet on the international airport runway to just hang out
In 1996 a model airplane fan was flying a plane at a Dublin park when the controller died and the plane flew off on its own. It flew five miles, ran out of fuel, and glided to a landing... on a runway at Dublin Airport
Crows drop rats on airport runways to kill them, since the friction from the landing shreds the rat open for consumption. They also drop nuts on roads for cars to run over so they can be opened/broken to pieces.
Walt Disney World once had an airport with grooves along the runway that played "When You Wish Upon a Star" when a plane landed on it at 45 mph.
John Travolta has Functional Airport With 2 Runways At His House
Paro Airport in Bhutan is so dangerous that only eight pilots are qualified enough to land there. (Pilots maneuver between mountains, fly within feet of houses, and land on a narrow, 6,500-foot runway.)
About the Tenerife Airport Disaster when, on a day in which there was fog heavy enough to reduce visibility to less than 500 yards, two Boeing 747s had a head-on collision at the runway that resulted in 583 casualties and the deadliest accident in aviation history.
After explosion of faulty engine LOT Polish Airlines pilots fought for control of burning aircraft for 30 minutes. They almost made it back to the airport. About 2 minutes from the runway the aircraft crashed into a forest. Last recorded crew message was "Good night! Goodbye! Bye, we're dying!"
Runways have to be longer at higher altitudes. The worlds longest runway is 18,045 feet long, located at a tiny airport in Tibet.
Airport Runway data charts
For your convenience take a look at Airport Runway figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Airport runways why?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
When Georgia's Savanah airport attempted to expand a runway in the 1980's they were not given permission from a family to relocate two graves that lay on the property. The airport paved over the graves and laid two headstones flat with the runway.
Chicago's Mayor once bulldozed an airport runway in the middle of the night because he felt like it, without notifying the FAA and stranding over a dozen aircraft. - source
In 2003, Chicago mayor Richard M. Daley grew impatient in the fight to close the Meigs Field airport, so he ordered the runway to be torn up overnight without telling anyone, stranding airplanes and diverting flights. - source
In 2013 there were two separate instances of people trespassing and driving on the runways at Fairbanks International Airport, both times because Apple Maps directed them the wrong way to the main terminal.
There is only one airport in the world with scheduled flights that uses a beach as a runway. During high tide the runway is underwater. - source
When is brisbane airport 2nd runway?
The deadliest (583 casualties) crash in Aviation history occurred not in the skies but on the runway between two Boeing 747s on March 27, 1977. Known as the 'Tenerife Airport Disaster'.
How airport runways work?
Laguardia Airport in New York City is refferred to as "USS Laguardia" because the runways are short and surrounded by water, giving the impression of landing on an aircraft carrier
There are 4 airports whose runways cross (or lie directly on) the US-Canadian border
In 2006 a drunk 20 year old with little flight training stole a small plane from Danbury (CT) Airport and landed it safely in Westchester (NY) Airport which was closed for construction and had no runway lights to assist his landing.
The Cherry Capital Airport in Traverse City, MI employs Piper, an 8 year old Border Collie, to maintain wildlife control on the runways, shooing away various animals so planes can land and take off safely.