Incredible and fun facts to explore

Airplane facts

While investigating facts about Airplane , I found out little known, but curios details like:

In 1985 a drug smuggler jettisoned 40 kilograms (76 pounds) of cocaine from his airplane over Georgia's Chattahoochee National Forest. A black bear (later dubbed 'Pablo EskoBear') found and ate ALL of the cocaine and died of an inconceivably massive overdose.

Sabrina Pasterski built a single engine airplane by the time she was 14 y/o, at 16 became the youngest person ever to fly their own plane; graduated MIT in 3 years with a 5.0 GPA and is now 24 at Harvard getting a PhD in high energy physics.

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 50 of the best facts about Airplane I managed to collect.

  1. There was a research paper which claimed that people who jump out of an airplane with an empty backpack have the same chances of surviving as those who jump with a parachute. It only stated that the plane was grounded in the second part of the paper.

  2. A director of the movie 'Airplane!' spent $60,000 on 3 horses over ~4 years for a joke; "All Pink", "Ol Pink", and "Awl Pink". He instructed the jockey not to win, but to run as close to the inside rail as possible so the track announcer would have to call "...and it's All Pink on the inside!"

  3. After arresting a man for blowing up an airplane federal agents learned that it was not in fact a federal crime to blow up an airplane. Colorado instead charged the man for the single murder of his mother, a passenger on the plane.

  4. The Dutch King had secretly been piloting commercial KLM airplanes as a "relaxing hobby" for 21 years as of May, 2017

  5. 4chan found the unknown location of a flag that Shia LaBeouf placed for his HWNDU project using only the live stream of the flag by studying the weather and the flight patterns of airplanes flying in the background in a little over 37 hours.

  6. A US Marines airplane cut through a cable car wire at an Italian ski resort, which caused the cable car to plunge 80 meters (260 feet) to the ground, killing all 20 people onboard. One of the crewmen later destroyed incriminating evidence against himself and the rest of the crew.

  7. A bald eagle somehow made its way to Ireland in 1987 and was so tired that it had to be returned via airplane.

  8. In World War II, a few engineers wanted to reinforce the (returned) fighter planes where most of the bullet holes were. Mr. Abraham Wald then said: Let's reinforce them where no bullet holes are instead - because apparently, airplanes hit in these spots did NOT return.

  9. While touring in Australia, Frank Sinatra insulted the media, especially female media. The stagehands union refused to work his show until he apologized. Sinatra threatened to cancel his shows. The transport union refused to prepare his airplane for departure

  10. About the Asoh defence, a term for frank acceptance of blame when you are at full fault. It’s named after Kohei Asoh, an airplane pilot who landed his plane in the waters of San Francisco, just shy of the runway. When asked about why he did this, he said: “As you Americans say, I F**cked up.”

airplane  facts
What are the best facts about Airplane ?

Airplane data charts

For your convenience take a look at Airplane figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

airplane  fact data chart about Airplane Crashes 1990-2019 Aboard vs Fatalities
Airplane Crashes 1990-2019 Aboard vs Fatalities

airplane  fact data chart about FAA Records of Jet Airplane Accidents and Incidents since 19
FAA Records of Jet Airplane Accidents and Incidents since 1982

What is true about airplane ?

You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.

Leslie Nielsen had essentially two acting careers. He spent two decades playing leading men and the occasional villain. After Airplane! came out in 1980 he played almost exclusively comic roles.

When Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon, he carried with him a piece from the Wright brothers' first airplane - source

Michael Richards, who died in his art studio on 9/11, floor 92 WTC North, whose art focused on planes; including sculptures of airplanes piercing his own body. - source

When Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon, he carried with him a piece from the Wright brothers' first airplane - source

Grace Slick (Jefferson Airplane) allowed Chic-Fil-A to use her song 'Nothings Going to Stop Us Now' in a commercial just so she could take their money and donate it to 'Lambda Legal,' an organization that offers legal support to the LGBQT community and people living with AIDS.

In 1957 an airplane crashed onto Rikers Island. 57 inmates ran to help the survivors. Most of the prisoners who helped were either set free or received reduced sentences.

Women can fly airplanes in Saudi Arabia, but can't drive cars.

In 1945 an airplane crashed into the Empire State Building, injuring elevator operator Betty Oliver. When rescuers attempted to lower her on an elevator, the cable snapped, plunging her 75 stories down. She survived the fall, and to this day holds the record for longest survived elevator fall.

In 1986, a Soviet pilot made a bet with his co-pilot that he could land the airplane blind, with curtained cockpit windows. He crashed the plane into the landing strip, killing 70 out of 94 passengers and crew.

That, fearing rogue Kamikaze attacks, US Navy Admiral Halsey informed his sailors of the end of hostilities in the pacific with this message: "Cessation of hostilities. War is over. If any Japanese airplanes appear, shoot them down in a friendly way."

Airplane infographics

Beautiful visual representation of Airplane numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

airplane  fact infographic about 3 Years of Flying My Personal Airplane, Categorized by Month

3 Years of Flying My Personal Airplane, Categorized by Month

airplane  fact infographic about 3 Years of Flying Hours in My Personal Airplane, Categorized

3 Years of Flying Hours in My Personal Airplane, Categorized by Month/Year

Interesting facts about airplane

An airplane crashed into the Empire State Building in 1945. Among other damage, plane parts severed the cables for an elevator and the woman inside fell over 70 stories. She lived and holds the world record for the longest survived elevator fall.

The low pressure and humidity on an airplane makes your senses of taste and smell up to 30% less effective, contributing to the poor reputation of airline food.

The 1980 comedy "Airplane!" is a remake of the 1957 drama "Zero Hour!" Both are about a guilt-stricken fighter pilot who called upon to land a plane after the crew and several passengers fall ill after eating fish. Many of the lines in "Airplane!" were taken verbatim from "Zero Hour!"

Oxygen masks in airplanes aren't connected to an oxygen tank. Instead, they use a chemical reaction to generate it on the spot

Two people died inside of a flight simulator inside of a flight safety building because an airplane crashed into it.

Ethel Merman's last film appearance was "Airplane!," where she played a man who thought he was Ethel Merman.

The test pilot for the first american jet plane wore a Gorilla mask, a Durby hat, and a Cigar just to mess with other pilots he buzzed. The Pilots were then convinced they were crazy for having seen a Airplane without a propeller with a monkey at the controls.

Argentine ants have a worldwide mega-colony, and if they get in an airplane and travel to a different continent, they will be welcomed in the foreign branch of the colony

Some lakes are stocked with fish by dropping hundreds of fish out of an airplane flying over.

In 1940 two Royal Australian Air Force training airplanes collided in mid-air, becoming locked together. As the aircraft were traveling in the same direction, they became an impromptu biplane and we're landed safely by the pilot of the upper plane. There were no deaths.

Teddy Roosevelt was the first president to fly in an airplane and afterwards told the pilot, "that was the bulliest experience I ever had. I envy your professional conquest of space."

In 2002, a 15 year old boy inspired by 9/11, stole an airplane and flew it into a skyscraper in Tampa, Florida. It damaged one office room and he was the only person that died.

Following the crash of a commercial airplane he owned that killed all 223 passengers, three-time Formula One World Champion Niki Lauda investigated the crash and found that thrust reversers caused it, he got Boeing to admit fault and change the design of the 767 airplane

Grace Slick of Jefferson Airplane was invited to the White House for a tea party in 1969 and planned to spike President Nixon's tea with 600 micrograms of LSD. The plan was thwarted by White House security.

During the Second World War, British double agent Eddie "Zigzag" Chapman and his MI5 colleagues faked a sabotage on an airplane factory. The 'damage' caused was so realistic that the German fell for it, and Chapman was awarded the Iron Cross for his action.

The record for the most passengers on an airplane was set in 1991 when 1086 Ethiopian jews were evacuated on a Boeing 747 to Jerusalem. The plane landed with 1088 passengers as two babies were born during the flight.

Backwards-facing airplane seats are 10 times safer, but passengers do not want them

In 1921 a group of whites burnt the wealthiest black community, in the United States, known as "black wall street", to ground. Firebombs were dropped from airplanes and hundreds were killed. This massacre was not acknowledged in state history records until 1996.

The record for most passengers on a commercial airplane is 1088. The plane started with 1086 with two people giving birth during the flight.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Airplane . The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Airplane so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor