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Ah Ah facts

While investigating facts about Ah Ah Ah Song and Ah Ah Ah I Need Your Love, I found out little known, but curios details like:

The “ah-choo” sound people make when sneezing is a cultural learned behavior. For example, in the Phillipines they instead say “ha-ching”, the Japanese say “hakashun”, and deaf people don’t add any sounds at all.

how agricultural revolution led to industrial revolution?

Thelma Schoonmaker, Martin Scorsese's editor, when asked how it was that such a nice lady could edit such a violent movies, she answered, "Ah, but they aren't violent until I've edited them."

What is oo ee oo ah ah from?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what is ooh eeh ooh ah ah from. Here are 48 of the best facts about Ah Ah Ah Om and Ah Ah Ah Meaning I managed to collect.

what does ah ah ah mean?

  1. Mr Burns telephone greeting in The Simpsons, 'Ah-Hoy!' was actually how Alexander Graham Bell thought people should answer the telephone when he invented it.

  2. The only recorded air-to-air helicopter battles in history occurred during the Iran-Iraq war, between Iraq MI-25 Hinds and Iranian AH-1J Internationals

  3. In 2007, four AH-64 Apache helicopters were destroyed by mortar fire in Iraq because US soldiers took pictures of them landing at their base, and posted the pictures to the Internet. The pictures were geotagged, allowing insurgents to determine the exact location of the Apaches.

  4. In 2007, after their Kiowa helicopter was shot down in Iraq, two pilots were rescued when they strapped their bodies to the exterior of an Apache AH-64 helicopter and were flown out of the combat zone.

  5. The writer/producer of the infamous "Witch Doctor"-song ("Oo ee oo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang") is also the creator of Alvin & The Chipmunks. Both the With Doctor and the Chipmunks voices were created using the same technique.

  6. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has volcanoes. "The last well-documented eruption in Saudi Arabia occurred in the northern end of Harrat Rahat near Al Madinah in 1256 AD / 654 AH . . . continued for 52 days, and the lava flow reached to within 12 km [7.4565 miles] of the city before activity ceased."

  7. AL-Jahiz, A Ethiopian Muslim suggested Evolution of New Species by Natural Selection in 776AD (150 AH), 1000 yrs before Darwin, in his "Book of the Animals"

  8. In 1969, English rock guitar legend Jeff Beck cancelled plans to play Woodstock and flew back home to London because he heard his wife was having an affair with the gardener. Bandmate Rod Stewart was not concerned: “Ah, well, seen one outdoor festival you’ve seen them all.”

  9. When philosopher Bernard Le Bovier de Fontenelle met the beautiful Madame Helvetius in his late nineties, he reportedly told her, "Ah Madame, if only I were eighty again!"

  10. "Baa Baa Black Sheep", "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "The Alphabet Song" are all sung to the same piano composition by Mozart called Twelve Variations on "Ah vous dirai-je, Maman".

ah ah facts
What is the song ah ah ah ah?

Why were pigs domesticated during the agricultural revolution?

You can easily fact check why did the agricultural revolution happen by examining the linked well-known sources.

Boeing has suggested that the AH-64 Apache attack helicopter could be fitted with a directed energy weapon in the near future.

The president of Taiwan has two cats named Think Think and Ah Tsai who featured prominently in her presidential campaign - source

The outlaw Ned Kelly's first robbery victim was called 'Ah Fook' - source

Chinese merchant, Ah Quong Tai, was a merchant and gambler in 1890's California. One of his native American patrons was murdered, and Ah was blamed for eating and serving his body to other native Americans. The case was dismissed, but he was still killed by Pauite native Americans.

Magma is underground, molten lava, whereas lava is above ground (via a volcano). After that it can take on a variety of names based on its flow pattern, including aa (ah ah), pahoehoe (pa-hoy-hoy), and pillow lava. - source

When did the agricultural revolution start?

In 1891 Ah Quong Tai, a Chinese casino owner, was indicted for killing his patrons, pickling their bodies, and serving their flesh to his mostly Paiute customers

How agricultural revolution lead to industrial revolution?

IKEA should be pronounced "ee-kay-uh" not "eye-kee-ah".

Alexander Graham Bell taught a stray Skye Terrier to talk. By training the dog to growl on cue and then manipulating his mouth and throat, Bell could make him produce the phonemes "ow, ah, ooh, ga, ma, ma," to say "How are you, Grandmama?"

Alien hand syndrome (AHS), a condition where a person's limbs act seemingly on their own, without any control over the actions. This condition usually occurs when the two hemispheres of the brain are surgically separated.

When Mozart did 12 Variations of the French Song Ah, Vous Dirai je Maman, he made "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "The Alphabet Song" explaining them having the exact same rhythm.

In order to remember the 12 Cranial Nerves many medical students use the mnemonic “O, O, O, To Touch And Feel A Girl’s Vagina, Ah Heaven!”

When did the agricultural revolution began?

In Filipino/Tagalog, when someone sneezes, instead of saying "Bless you" and "Thanks", they say "Naligo ako ah!" and "Sino ang di na ligo?" which translates to "Hey, I took a bath" and "Who didn't take a bath?"

4 Royal Marines once strapped themselves to the outside of 2 AH-64 Apache attack helicopters in order to conduct a rescue mission.

RedBull owns an AH-1 Cobra Attack Helicopter

The reason my Grandmother called a sofa a Davenport was because sofas made by the MA furniture manufacturer AH Davenport and Company, were so popular it became a generic term for sofa.

How did the agricultural revolution lead to the industrial revolution?

The director of The Lizard, a popular and acclaimed Iranian film criticizing the government Shi'ah clergy and prison system, originally was one of the many Islamist hostage-takers during the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis.

The phrase "zig-a-zig ah" from the Spice Girls song Wannabe supposedly means "Shit and Cigars". The production team used this as a nickname for a studio neighbour who had a habit of smoking cigars while taking a dump on their shared toilet.

The most well-known Asian woman in the Old West was Ah Toy, a prostitute and madam who operated her chain of brothels in San Francisco's Chinatown

Notorious bushranger Ned Kelly's first serious offence was an assault and robbery of an Asian named "Ah Fook"!

While playing a game of chess in France, Benjamin Franklin took his opponent's King after she accidentally moved it into check. When she told him "Ah, we don't take kings so," Franklin replied, "We do in America."

Apparently, the only acceptable pronunciation of the state, Nevada, is “Nev-AD-a,” not “Nev-AH-da.”

An accent from the state of Washington replaces the -ah sound with an -er sound at the end of words that end their spelling in A. This type would be the reverse of lots of accents making ending -er sound like ending -a.

The word “sloth” can be pronounced “sl-ah-th” or “sl-oh-th”. Thanks David Attenborough!

Verdi might have been the first porn score writer by ending his raunchy Libiamo with "Ah SI ..." ("Ah YES ...")

Simone Giertz' last name is pronounced 'yee-ah-tch'

Mozart's song "Ah Vous Dirai-je, maman" is a French nursery rhyme. It is also used for the time for "twinkle, twinkle little star," the alphabet song, and "baa baa black sheep," and a few other songs used around the world

The plural of octopus should actually be octopodes (oct-ah-puh-deez), but octopuses octopi are both grammatically correct as well.

The Filipino response to sneezing is "Naligo ako ah!" (nah-lee-goh a-koh a!) which means "Hey! I took a bath!"

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Ah Ah. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Ah Ah so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor