Affordable Prices facts
While investigating facts about Affordable Prices Ltd and Affordable Prices In Spanish, I found out little known, but curios details like:
Harvard University said it can't afford journal publishers' prices and wants scientists to make their research open access and resign from publications that keep articles behind paywalls
how affordable housing works?
During the Great Famine, Ireland continued to export enormous quantities of food to England. This kept food prices far too high for the average Irish peasant to afford and was a major contributing factor in the large death toll from the famine.
What are the prices for affordable health care?
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 19 of the best facts about Affordable Prices Synonyms and Affordable Prices Meaning I managed to collect.
what are the prices at affordable dentures?
Demand for quinoa in Western nations has pushed up prices to such an extent that poorer people in Peru and Bolivia, where quinoa is from, can no longer afford their staple crop
South Korea’s national drink is soju, a clear alcohol, typically made from rice or barley, with an alcohol content of about 20 percent and a government-mandated price of about $1 per bottle, so all citizens can afford it.
After the battle of Waterloo in 1815, scavengers pulled so many teeth from the 50,000 dead soldiers, they caused the price of false teeth to fall in Britain to an affordable rate for the middle class.
The main reason rent prices are skyrocketing in US cities is due to 1950s single-family home zoning laws and Baby Boomer homeowners who obstruct affordable housing from being built for reasons like "wrong aesthetic" or "blocking the sun" because they don't want their property values to go down
Since the Affordable Care Act went into effect on March 23, 2010, the stock prices of the top health insurers UnitedHealth (UNH) has increased by 202%, Cigna (CI) by 180%, Aetna (AET) 150%, Humana (HUM) 195%, etc.
Due to the explosion in popularity of the nutritious Bolivian-sourced grain 'quinoa' in the US and EU over the last 5 years, its price has tripled, leaving many local Bolivians unable to afford what was once an essential part of their diet.
Panera Bread Company has stores called Panera Cares. They dont have prices on their boards, but instead take donations/what people can afford.
Elizabeth Outram, commited suicide in for being shamed by reality show.She was in shopping for a party but couldn’t afford a leather jacket so she switched price tags.She was arrested.This was recorded by "caught on camera".She begged for it not to be aired but to no avail.
A recent study from University of Toronto suggests that for developers to generate a reasonable return on a standard rental property development, units must be priced over $2,200 – well above average condo rental rates and more than double the average affordable rent level
In 1923, the inventors of insulin gave away its patent for $1 hoping the low price would keep the essential treatment available to everyone who needed it, 96 years later a vial of insulin costs close to $300 and people die because they can’t afford their medication.
Affordable Prices data charts
For your convenience take a look at Affordable Prices figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

Why affordable housing is important?
You can easily fact check why is there no affordable housing by examining the linked well-known sources.
The inventors of insulin synthesis sold the patent for $1, as they wanted everyone who needed their medication to be able to afford it. However, the price is now so expensive that as many as one in four people with diabetes are skimping on or skipping lifesaving doses.
There's a Swiss company that will turn the cremation ashes of your loved ones to diamonds, for those who can afford price starts at $4,474 - source
AMD is launching a high powered graphics card with low power consumption that will help VR be more affordable at the price of $199 - source
Martin Shkreli's decision to raise price of daraprim wasn't to get rich. 65% of the drug is given away for free for people who cant afford it, so only insurance companies have to pay for the full price.
One of rare industries that thrived through the Great Depression was popcorn industry. The price was 5c or 10c for a bag and it was one of the few luxuries families could afford! - source
When is housing affordable?
Chattanooga, TN has GIGABIT broadband internet available to residents at affordable prices.
How affordable housing is bad?
Scientist Dr. Richard Grant has found a Drug that taken daily reduces HIV risk by as much as 90% But price gouging is keeping it from being an affordable option for at risk groups.
Affordable prices infographics
Beautiful visual representation of Affordable Prices numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Home Prices in Cities Around the World, Ranked by Affordability