365 Days facts
While investigating facts about 365 Days, I found out little known, but curios details like:
The Ancient Egyptians used 12 months of exactly 30 days, with 5 days of festivities at the end to add up to 365
A man bought 365 Starbucks Cards and registered each one for a different birthday, so he got a free birthday drink every day of the year
In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across. Here are 40 of the best facts about 365 Days I managed to collect.
Estonia is developing the world’s first Digital Nomad Visa that will allow people who do the majority of their work online to work and travel in Estonia for up to 365 days.
A deck of cards has a coincidental relationship with a calendar year. The sum of all cards is 364, plus one joker for 365 and an extra joker for leap years, four suits for the seasons, 52 cards for the weeks in a year, and two colors to represent night and day.
The Egyptians, not Julius Caesar, were the fathers of the modern calendar. The Roman calendar was lunar and had 355 days. Egyptians knew it was 365 days because the Nile would peak on the same day each year. Caesar learned this from his affair with Cleopatra and created the Julian calendar.
Zappos has a 365-day return policy, but if you make a purchase on 2/29 of a leap year then you have until the next leap year (4 years) to return the product.
In a group of 23 random people there is a 50% probability that a pair of the individuals share a birthday - despite there being 365 separate days each person can be born. This is referred to as the birthday paradox. With a group of just 70 people, this probability goes up to 99.9%!
Since 1405 until the present day without interruption, the city of Lausanne (Switzerland) has maintained a lookout in the Cathedral bell tower. The lookout announces the time by yelling the hour from 10 pm to 2 am, 365 days a year. The lookout cries the hour to each cardinal direction
Ulugh Beg Observatory from 1420. Their hypothesis of a stellar year was rather accurate, at 365 days, 6 hours, 10 minutes and 8 seconds, only about 1 minute longer than the modern calculations
The deep meaning behind the 52 Cards in a complete deck. The 4 suits represent the 4 seasons, while the 52 cards represent the 52 weeks in a year. The 13 cards per suit represent the 13 lunar cycles in a year, and even the 365 days of the year are marked by the number of total points in a deck.
There is a job position called 'Panda Nanny' where you get to spend 365 days a year with panda babies for a salary of $32k/year.
The Ancient Egyptian Civic Calendar has 12 months with an equal 30 days each, and an extra 5 days of festivities celebrating different gods. Totalling 365 days a year.
365 Days data charts
For your convenience take a look at 365 Days figures with stats and charts presented as graphic.

What is true about 365 days?
You can easily fact check it by examining the linked well-known sources.
A British woman holds the world record for longest sneezing fit ever recorded. Donna Griffiths started sneezing on January 13th,1981 and didn't stop until September 16th, 1983(997th day). It's estimated she sneezed 1 million times in the first 365 days.
A Danish woman diagnosed with multiple sclerosis ran 366 marathons in 365 days - source
The Ancient Egyptians were the first to follow a calendar consisting 365 days, including 12 months of 30 days and 5 extra days at the end. - source
Because of the differences between the astronomical year, which is only 265.25 days long, and the human calendar year, which is 365 days long, the exact date of the summer solstice dates can change each year.
The Mayans had more than one calendar. The Haab had 365 days. The Long Count Calendar has 2,880,000 days and ended in 2012.
The longest sneezing fit lasted over 2.6 years long (977 days) - She sneezed an estimated million times in the first 365 days
There are 365 beads in a military dog chain and 52 on the small chain, used for captured personal to keep track of the days and weeks.
A day on Venus lasts longer than a year on Venus: It takes 243 Earth days to rotate once on its axis. The planet's orbit around the Sun takes 225 Earth days, compared to the Earth's 365.
When Atari's 'Pong' creators were sued by Magnavox Odyssey creators, they settled outside of court. Magnavox got the rights to any product Atari came up with in the following 365 days... Atari delayed their consumer products for a year. (page 47)
One of al-Battānī's (c. 858 – 929) best-known achievements in astronomy was the determination of the solar year as being 365 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes and 24 seconds
On the last day of WWI, with the armistice signed and peace hours away a US general, William Wright, launched an attack on a French town, Stenay, as it had bathing facilities. His division suffered 365 casualties inc 61 killed. If they waited they could have marched in peacefully.
365 days infographics
Beautiful visual representation of 365 Days numbers and stats to get perspecive of the whole story.

Recorded my mood everyday for 365 days! (Red is awful, Orange is bad, Yellow is meh, light green is good, and Green is amazing)