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Epileptic Seizures facts

While investigating facts about Epileptic Seizures In Dogs and Epileptic Seizures Meaning, I found out little known, but curios details like:

Arfa Karim, who at the age of nine became the youngest Microsoft Certified Professional. After an epileptic seizure resulted in cardiac arrest, Bill Gates directed his doctors to adopt "every kind of measure" for her treatment.

how epileptic seizures happen?

Guiness World Records Gave Pokemon an Award Titled: "Most Photosensitive Epileptic Seizures Caused by a TV Show"

What epileptic seizures do?

In my opinion, it is useful to put together a list of the most interesting details from trusted sources that I've come across answering what causes epileptic seizures. Here are 24 of the best facts about Epileptic Seizures Treatment and Epileptic Seizures Causes I managed to collect.

what's epileptic seizures?

  1. A bunch of hackers compromised an epileptic support forum and placed seizure inducing gifs on the site for the fun of it.

  2. The voice of the television host Mary Hart has triggered seizures in an epileptic woman

  3. A TV episode of Pokémon that sent 685 Japanese viewers to the hospital due to epileptic seizures because of a 6 second clip with red and blue lights flickering at 12Hz. The incident was labelled "Pokémon Shock".

  4. In 1997 a Pokémon episode called "Dennō Senshi Porygon" aired that resulted in 635 Japanese children having epileptic seizures. These children suffered the seizures because of the strobe light effects in the episode. The episode was never aired again.

  5. After John Bramblitt went blind from an epileptic seizure, he was able to create stunning paintings by using his sense of touch.

  6. Some epileptic sufferers have a special aura, e.g. A special taste or high pitched sound, before they have the seizure so they can prepare for their fit

  7. In 2008 hackers induced seizures to epilepsy sufferes by hacking into an epileptic support forum and leaving flashing animation screens

  8. An episode of Pokemon was broadcast that sent 685 children to the hospital following a scene that caused epileptic seizures. When the children were in the hospital, they "had seizures when parts of the scene were rebroadcast during news reports on the seizures."

  9. Epileptic seizures in the temporal lobe can cause people to believe they've had a "religious experience"

  10. About a young epileptic girl who had 100 siezures a day but never had a seizure when she watched Mr. Rogers Neighborhood. When she fell into a coma after brain surgery, Mr. Rogers flew out to visit her in the hospital.

epileptic seizures facts
What causes non epileptic seizures?

Why do dogs get epileptic seizures?

You can easily fact check why do epileptic seizures occur by examining the linked well-known sources.

The first known monotheistic religion was created by a pharaoh who had epileptic seizures and hallucinated.

In December 1997, this scene from a now banned Pokémon episode in Japan sent nearly 700 children to the hospital for causing dizziness, nausea, and epileptic seizures. [WARNING: clip may cause seizure!] - source

Listening to Mozart daily has been known to cure or reduce the amount of seizures for epileptic patiences

Rick Harrison from Pawn Stars suffered from epileptic seizures during his childhood which confined him to bed and led to a lifelong love of reading - source

When do epileptic seizures occur?

During the filming of "Apocalypse Now," Martin Sheen had a heart attack, and Francis Coppola suffered an epileptic seizure and threatened to kill himself on three separate occasions as he faced financial ruin if the movie wasn't completed.

How to stop non epileptic seizures?

Mary Hart's voice (host of Entertainment Tonight) caused epileptic seizures in a viewer

Seizure Led to FloJo's Death Autopsy: Olympic sprint champion suffocated in bedding after having epileptic event in her sleep. October 23, 1998

When do epileptic seizures really begin?

An early episode of Pokémon was only ever broadcast once due to giving 685 Japanese children photosensitive epileptic seizures because of certain repetitive visual effects.

This is our collection of basic interesting facts about Epileptic Seizures. The fact lists are intended for research in school, for college students or just to feed your brain with new realities. Possible use cases are in quizzes, differences, riddles, homework facts legend, cover facts, and many more. Whatever your case, learn the truth of the matter why is Epileptic Seizures so important!

Editor Veselin Nedev Editor